Our mission is to offer the finest selection of service available to families; whether it be simple or elaborate, burial or cremation, services.
We feel that the death of a family member or close friend has always been a significant time in all our lives. We feel a great responsibility when entrusted with the needs of the families we serve. The funeral is a summary of one's life and should express their individuality. Our goal is to ensure that your family and the loved one you bring to us is cared for with the utmost dignity and respect.
Brady Fallon encourages families to bring favorite things to the visitation, which gives others a chance to share and remember. |
Brady Fallon Funeral Home and Cremation Service recognizes that our community is comprised of diverse preferences of religion,
philosophies and beliefs. You will find our firm is responsive to your needs and wishes. By offering a wide range of services, each family has the ability to create a meaningful and appropriate way to remember their loved one.
When a death occurs, there are certain criteria, mandated by law, which must be recognized and requirements fulfilled as a routine matter. Beyond this, the coordination of services and disposition choices are determined by the family. We will assist you and offer any guidance you may require.
The following are services our Funeral Directors will assist you with:
The transfer of the deceased from the place of death to the funeral home
Professional care of the deceased, which may include sanitary washing, embalming, dressing, hairdressing, cosmetology, and casketing
An arrangement conference with the family to plan specific details for the funeral
Locating the deceased's doctor to sign a death certificate; then filing this certificate at the local health department; obtaining the requested amount of certified death certificates for the family
Obtaining all necessary permits and authorizations, as required.
Preparing an obituary to be placed in any newspapers requested by the family
Contacting local cemeteries or crematory, as required
Care and arrangement of floral pieces, and delivery to the family's residence after the funeral
Arranging for Pallbearers and motor equipment, including limousines, as required
Ordering special floral pieces at the family's request
Arranging for Cash Advances for cemetery expenses, clergy honorariums, music, funeral escorts, and custom acknowledgments
Contacting Fraternal or Military organizations to take part in the ceremony
Arranging for a personalized remembrance package, consisting of a guest register book, memorial folders, acknowledgments
Assist with Social Security and Veteran benefits
Filing of life insurance claims
Alternative Services
If a family chooses not to have a service with burial or entombment, we offer cremation options, immediate burial plans, and anatomical donation.
Why Funerals Are Important
- Initiates the grieving process
- Acknowledges the importance of a life that has been lived
- Can be personalized to allow mourners to remember and honor their loved one in ways that are special and meaningful
- Serves as a central gathering place for family and friends to give emotional and physical support to one another
- Provides closure for the bereaved
- Confirms the reality and finality of the death
- Encourages mourners to face the pain of their loss and express their thoughts and feelings
- Helps survivors to better cope with their grief and assist in enabling them to move on with their lives
- Provides a context for expression of religious and other beliefs
- Grief shared is grief diminished--and grief denied is grief delayed
Consult your Funeral Director regarding ways to help make the funeral you are arranging more meaningful.
If you have further questions, please free to contact us.
Phone 617-524-0861
E-mail Us